
Jean Mandeberg lives and works in Olympia, Washington where she is a visual artist, faculty emerita at The Evergreen State College, and community arts advocate.  Resume, 2024

Artist Residency, Cortex Frontal, 2023, Arraiolos, Portugal

International travel supports Jean’s wide ranging artistic interests.  She has attended the Radish Carving Festival in Oaxaca, Mexico (1995); Las Fallas Fire Festival in Valencia, Spain (2001); Swiss Expo that hosted Diller & Scofidio’s Blur Building on Lake Neuchatel, Switzerland (2002); the Puppet Theater Festival in Zagreb, Croatia (2006); the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown, South Africa (2009); the Flower Festival in Madeira, Portugal (2014); The Flaherty Film Seminar in Hamilton, NY (2016); and The Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Scotland (2019).

Visual Art Faculty Emerita, The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA.

Commissioner, Washington State Arts Commission.  Appointed by Governor Gary Locke 2004; Re-Appointed by Governor Christine Gregoire 2006, 2009.  Chair, 2008-10.

Board Member, Olympia Artspace Alliance